I have a sister is has always been the queen of procrastination, a personality trait that has always annoyed the heck out of me. But lately, I see myself procrastinating more and more. Half finished projects piling up, housekeeping can always wait, and the grocery store will still be there tomorrow. I figure I need to do something about it and start getting busy around here. But where to start? Maybe I better think about it a while, then maybe I’ll make some lists and schedules to keep me on track. I finally decided the place to start was to clean out the sewing/ craft room. This room looked like what you see on the tv show "Hoarders". It had become the dumping grounds for things I need to attend to. So, I took pics of the mess and posted them on my face book. I figured surely, if I outed myself and my mess, I would have to do something about it. That was about a month ago. I got started but then slacked off and piled more things in there. Good grief! Enough is enough. Yesterday I finally got in there and got busy and this morning I woke up early and went right to work. Piles of DMC, patterns, fabric, and buttons to sort. Lots of things to be filed, tossed, donated, and cleaned. Well I am almost there. Just a handful of things left to find homes for. But I found the floor and the recliner and the desk chair. Nearly forgot what they looked like. I can use the scanner and the sewing machine again! Hooray!
So one of things I couldn’t do while the room was in such disarray was a blog challenge by Delphi’s Primitive Rustic forum. They asked us to go to our blog’s and post a picture of an item we made that we are most proud of. Well, not only could I not access the scanner but I couldn’t find the picture I wanted to post. So, better late than never, I found the picture, got it scanned, and am answering the challenge.
This is a cross-stitch I did 26 yrs ago for my sister. It took me over a year to complete this cross-stitch. I wish I knew the dimensions but it is large and done on hardanger (22 stitches per inch). When I purchased the fabric, the sales woman said that was a mighty ambitious project I was tackling and maybe I should re-think things, LOL. I had found a book of seashell patterns. Each pattern intended to be done as individual projects. But I couldn’t decide which shell I liked best so I used nearly all of them on a single wall hanging. Sis, who is big on nautical and ocean life, must have liked her gift because it has gone through a couple of long distance moves and been hanging on her walls every since. Except now it is hanging behind a beautiful comb back windsor with a artist made mohair bear in a sailor suit seated on it.
I have a sister is has always been the queen of procrastination, a personality trait that has always annoyed the heck out of me. But lately, I see myself procrastinating more and more. Half finished projects piling up, housekeeping can always wait, and the grocery store will still be there tomorrow. I figure I need to do something about it and start getting busy around here. But where to start? Maybe I better think about it a while, then maybe I’ll make some lists and schedules to keep me on track. I finally decided the place to start was to clean out the sewing/ craft room. This room looked like what you see on the tv show "Hoarders". It had become the dumping grounds for things I need to attend to. So, I took pics of the mess and posted them on my face book. I figured surely, if I outed myself and my mess, I would have to do something about it. That was about a month ago. I got started but then slacked off and piled more things in there. Good grief! Enough is enough. Yesterday I finally got in there and got busy and this morning I woke up early and went right to work. Piles of DMC, patterns, fabric, and buttons to sort. Lots of things to be filed, tossed, donated, and cleaned. Well I am almost there. Just a handful of things left to find homes for. But I found the floor and the recliner and the desk chair. Nearly forgot what they looked like. I can use the scanner and the sewing machine again! Hooray!
So one of things I couldn’t do while the room was in such disarray was a blog challenge by Delphi’s Primitive Rustic forum. They asked us to go to our blog’s and post a picture of an item we made that we are most proud of. Well, not only could I not access the scanner but I couldn’t find the picture I wanted to post. So, better late than never, I found the picture, got it scanned, and am answering the challenge.
This is a cross-stitch I did 26 yrs ago for my sister. It took me over a year to complete this cross-stitch. I wish I knew the dimensions but it is large and done on hardanger (22 stitches per inch). When I purchased the fabric, the sales woman said that was a mighty ambitious project I was tackling and maybe I should re-think things, LOL. I had found a book of seashell patterns. Each pattern intended to be done as individual projects. But I couldn’t decide which shell I liked best so I used nearly all of them on a single wall hanging. Sis, who is big on nautical and ocean life, must have liked her gift because it has gone through a couple of long distance moves and been hanging on her walls every since. Except now it is hanging behind a beautiful comb back windsor with a artist made mohair bear in a sailor suit seated on it.