October 04, 2008

Beautiful Frosty Morning




I woke up bright and early this morning. Well maybe not so bright. But, it was definately early! Yep! It was 4:50 in the morning. I pulled my covers up a little tighter around my chin and hoped to drift back off for another hour or so anyway. But, it was too late. I was awake, wide awake. There was a chill in the air I wasn't accustom to and mother nature was calling. I reluctantly hopped out of bed, pulled my fleece robe from the closet, and scurried down the hall. Then, naturally Mr Bean decided he needed to go potty as well. That was it. No hope of going back to sleep this morning. I let my Beanie out, put some chocolate milk in a mug in the microwave, and then I caught a glimpse of the thermometer. It was 60 degree's in the house and 31 degree's outside. It was still too dark to look for frost but the thermometer pretty much told the story. I let Baby Bean back in, grabbed my hot chocolate, turned up the thermostat, and headed for the computer. Finally the sun was coming up and I went and peeked out at the sunrise. I wasn't prepared for the glory of it. The rising sun revealed a foggy mist which seemed to be frozen in the chilly morning air. It virtually sparkled as the rays of the early morning sun shown through the tree's. A sight to behold for sure. I was no longer feeling I had missed out on anything by waking up so early.

It was a glorious beginning to a beautiful day!

1 comment:

db2937 said...

Wow! 60 degrees inside and 31 degrees outside plus hot chocolate to boot! Can Bonnie and I come live with you? That's my kind of living!!!!